Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Asia Journal Fellowship 2011

Application for 2012 is now open


The Fellowship brings journalists from Asia to Singapore's Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University for three months.

Applicants should have at least five years of full-time working experience as journalists (not including as student journalists) and possess potential for leadership and management within the profession or organisation.
Applicants should be residing in Asia. Preference is given to those working for Asian media organisations.
Applicants can be working in any medium — print, radio, television or online.
Journalists working in non-English media are welcome to apply, but must show proficiency in English through a telephoneinterview, as English is the working language of the programme.
Applications from journalists in full-time positions must be accompanied by a letter of support from employers, stating that the applicant would be released for the full period of the fellowship, from 25 February to 20 May 2012. Freelancers are welcome to apply if they are primarily engaged in news or current affairs journalism  

Deadline for application
All the required documents must reach the Wee Kim Wee School no later than 5pm (Singapore Time), Friday 14th October 2011.

Your application is not complete until we receive all the following:
  • Completed application form
  • Employer's letter of support (not required for freelancers). 
  • 3 letters of recommendation. 
  • 3-5 samples of past work. Read the "Guidance" section on the last page of the Application Form for more details.
 Sending your application

By e-mail:

Send to

By mail:

Asia Journalism Fellowship
c/o SiRC
Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information
Nanyang Technological University
31 Nanyang Link
Singapore 637718  


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